Friday, December 16, 2011

GBP Behind-the-Scene w/ GranCru Music's BRiX

PBT (power.behind.the.throne) & GBP (geniunebeingphotog) was behind the scenes of GRANCRu Music Group's BRiX videoshoot in Brooklyn. Check It Out...

BRIX - 21 Pump St. (dir. by KicksTV)

GranCru Music Group artist BRiX drops a new video 21 Pump Street from critically=acclaimed THEE BRiXTAPE mixtape. Download mixtape by Clicking Here. Directed by Royal Rel from KicksTvWorld.

Twitter links to follow: @BrixTV @Royal_Rel @Rahtoldyou

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

KicksTV Presents: Sneaker Pimps NYC 2011

PBT close fam KicksTV made a cameo @ Sneakers Pimps NYC 2011.
Check it out...

LeBron James talks about The Finals

Sportcenter's new interview with Lebron James shows that Lebron is more thirsty than ever to get this "CHIP." I would want to believe that the rumors of him working out with Hall-of-Fame Hakeem Olajuwon is true. Low post offense is one of Lebron's touchy spots but with great help, he should get that championship. I believe he should just give the ball to the best player in the league "Dwayne Wade."

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Shad Black "Kicks On Fire"

Shad Black - Kicks On Fire
Follow him on Twitter @shadblack

Check out my main man Shad Blacks new joint!! PBT definition SneakerHeadism is a disease thats genetic, usually from a Swag Chromosome, it tends to cloud the mind and hearts of everyone who is diagnosed. Your born ah sneakerhead, not made.